Welcome to the Library!
We encourage active study and exploration of all of the many resources available in the library. Our goal is to support the curriculum and the mission of Turlock High School. We strive to provide access to current and appropriate resources, and to continually maintain, broaden, and strengthen our informational, instructional and recreational resources.
With the unique challenges social distancing presents us with every day, THS wants to make sure every Bulldog still has access to check out library books and keep on reading! Join the THS Library Google Classroom and find out how you can still check out books. Stop by the Library to get the class code, or email the library at
- Provide access and instruction in the use of library information and materials.
- Provide a quiet, and friendly place for study.
Provide assistance and resources for assignments and personal information needs. - Provide fiction and non-fiction books, as well as research and reference information and materials.
- Purchase books and materials to support THS educational goals.
Electronic: Library Book Catalog, SIRS Knowledge Source (informational database), and Reference Shelf
- Regular book checkout period is three weeks (21 days).
- There are some books that only check out for seven days.
Reference books and magazines do not check out. - If you have an overdue book or fine you cannot check out library materials.
- Students will not receive report cards until overdue books are returned and fines paid.
- You may have a total of three books checked out at the same time.
- Please allow time to check out books. If you wait until the last minute you may be late for class.
Library Fines
- Lost Books: Full Replacement Price
- Totally Damaged (not reusable): Full Replacement Price
- Damaged Books (bindery price): Assessed at time of return.
- Lost Barcodes: $5.00
- Late 21 Day Circulation Books: $ .20 per Day
- Late 7 Day Circulation books: $ .50 per Day
- Magazines: $5.00 if taken from the Library A partial refund may be given for returning books that were lost and paid for. You must have your receipt.
Speak quietly and behave in a manner consistent with study.
During class time you must have a pass to use the library.
Do not bring food, candy, or drinks into the library.
Pass through the entryway in an orderly manner and lower your voice.
All books taken from the library must be checked out.
In order to check a book out of the Library you must have your student ID Card with you--no exceptions.
Fines will be charged for overdue library books.
Any student found to be tampering with the library computers will lose computer privileges.
All students and their parent/guardian must sign an official school contract in order to use the Internet located in the library.
Students are to limit their research on the Internet to topics and information that are appropriate to the specific assignment given by their teacher. Any student who is found to be using the Internet for purposes that are inappropriate to their assignment will lose computer privileges.
Some games are allowed in specific areas, and only as deemed appropriate by the librarian.